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EAN Code Energy in Belgium: What Is It and Where to Find It

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EAN code

The EAN code identifies the point of supply for your electricity and gas. You may be asked for it by your distribution network operator or your energy supplier, in the context of a move, a new connection or, if you wish to terminate your contract. In Belgium, it always starts with 54 and is made up of 18 digits. CallMePower provides you with all the information about the EAN code in Belgium.

Finding the Ean Number for Energy Meters

The EAN number, also known as the EAN code, is the identification number of the energy connection in your home. The number is completely unique and applies to the gas and electricity meter.

If there is an EAN code registered, the energy supplier and network operator can identify and read the connection. Without having an EAN code, it is not possible to subscribe to an energy provider and receive electricity and / or natural gas.

You will need the EAN cooe in different situations and with several procedures. This can be when moving, concluding a new energy contract and when the distributor asks for the meter readings.

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How to Find the Ean Code?

Every working gas and electricity meter in Belgium has an EAN code, this is when the meter is connected to the distribution network. The EAN code always consists of 18 digits and starts with the number 54 for energy meters in Belgium.

You can find the EAN code of your energy meter on:

  • the annual statement received from your energy provider;
  • the energy invoice;
  • a sticker or metal plate on the side of the energy meter;
  • in the quote received from the network distributor for new connections.

Is the energy EAN code unique? Yes, EAN codes are completely unique. They allow you to identify energy meters and many other products.

Where to Find the Ean Code on a Digital Meter

If you have a digital energy meter, you will be able to find the EAN code very easily in the same way as with an analog meter. The easiest way is to look on the side of the meter for a metal plate or sticker with the EAN code.

If this is not available, you can always consult the energy bill of your energy supplier. You will also be able to find the EAN code there.

Ean Code and Other Numbers on the Energy Meter

On the energy meter, the EAN code is not the only number you will find. In many situations, you will need more than just the EAN code, so it can be useful to understand what all the numbers on your meter mean.

It is important to not know that the EAN code is different from the meter number. The EAN code is the identification number of the meter and the meter number is the serial number of the energy meter. The meter number is often indicated with the symbol: 'N°', where the EAN code always starts with the number 54.

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Request Ean Code From Fluvius

In Flanders, there is only one network operator active, named “Fluvius”. You can therefore request EAN codes in Flanders from Fluvius only. If you already have an energy meter, you can retrieve the code following the ways mentioned at the top of this page.

If you are not able to find your EAN code, it is possible to contact Fluvius and request the codes. In order to do this, you will have to visit the contact form at the website of the operator and request the codes. After filling out the request, you will receive the EAN codes within five working days.

Request Ean Code From Sibelga

All EAN codes in the Brussels region start with the number 5414489 and consist of 18 numbers. In Brussels, you can also retrieve the EAN codes by the ways mentioned at the top of this article. If you are unable to find the EAN codes of the energy meters, you can contact Sibelga through their website to request the codes.

Choosing a new energy contract? See whether you should choose a fixed or variable energy contract.

How to Request a New Ean Code in Belgium?

Normal EAN codes are available through many different companies. However, you cannot buy an EAN code for an energy meter. In order to request a new EAN code for your energy meter, you will have to request a new connection at the distribution network operator.

Before installing a new gas or electricity meter, you will have to contact the network operator. The network operator will issue a quote, in which you will find the EAN code. Once the connection has been placed, the code becomes active. It is, however, possible to request a new contract before the code is active.

Ean Code for Gas and Electricity: Is There a Difference?

Both the gas and electricity meter have a unique EAN code. Most households will therefore have two different codes. Even though the codes are different, there is no difference in where to find the codes or how to request them. In many cases, the codes are very similar, but differ in a few numbers.

Request Ean Code When Changing Energy Provider

If you are going to switch energy providers, you will have to provide the EAN code to your new provider. This way the energy provider can identify the connection and knows to which address the energy has to be sent. It is therefore important to check the number before sending it to your new provider.

Moreover, it is highly recommended to compare the energy suppliers well before you switch. There are major differences in the prices of energy contracts, meaning it is in many cases possible to save a significant amount by comparing the contracts.

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What Is an Ean Code?

EAN code stands for “European Article Numbering” and, in general, is used in the field of commerce and industry to identify objects. It is therefore very useful from a logistical point of view.

In energy, it is used to identify your point of supply and makes it unique. Thus, if your home is connected to electricity and gas, this means that it has two supply points and that there will be two separate EAN codes to identify, namely: one for the electricity meter and another one for the gas meter.

The EAN code is not to be confused with the meter serial number, since the latter is used to identify the meter as a device.

It is also important to clarify that the EAN code belongs t an address and not to a natural person. In this case, if you move, the EAN code will not be the same.

In Belgium, the EAN code is made up of 18 digits and always starts with 54.

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