TotalEnergies, formerly known as Lampiris, is a Belgian electricity and gas supplier who specialises in renewable energy. On this page you will find all the information about TotalEnergies, such as the current offers and how to contact the customer service.

Who is TotalEnergies in Belgium?

The origins of TotalEnergies in Belgium go back to the creation of the energy supplier Lampiris. Lampiris was founded in 2003 by two Belgian investors who saw the liberalisation of the Belgian energy market as an opportunity to start with an alternative supplier.

In 2016, Lampiris was acquired by French group TotalEnergies. Since 2022 Lampiris has changed its name in Belgium to TotalEnergies.

Lampiris has always been producing small amounts of electricity, but after the takeover TotalEnergies invested a lot in the production of green electricity. Because of this, TotalEnergies can provide green electricity without any additional costs to all its customers in Belgium.

How many customers does TotalEnergies have in Belgium?

TotalEnergies Belgium has grown very quickly in recent years. In the first quarter of 2023, Eneco had a market share in Flanders of 5,96% on the electricity market and 7,19% on the gas market. This makes TotalEnergies the fourth largest provider in Flanders, after ENGIE, Luminus and Eneco. In Wallonia market shares of TotalEnergies are higher, which makes TotalEnergies the third largest supplier in that region.

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Subscribe to TotalEnergies (Free service)

Contact CallMePower to subscribe to a contract with TotalEnergies or to receive more information about their offers. (English- and Spanish-speaking advisors available)

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Subscribe to TotalEnergies (Free service)

Let us call you back to subscribe to a contract with TotalEnergies or to receive more information about their offers. (English- and Spanish-speaking advisors available)

Contracts and tariffs TotalEnergies

At TotalEnergies you can choose between different types of contracts and services, such as the Pixel Blue contract. The main characteristics of the TotalEnergies Pixel Blue contract are:

  • Variable contract
  • Green electricity from Belgium as standard
  • Access to the complete customer service (online and by phone)

Extra services of TotalEnergies

In addition to the energy supply, TotalEnergies also offers a large number of energy-related services. Examples are boiler maintenance, the installation of solar panels and a charging station for electric cars. Moreover, it is also possible to order fuel oil from TotalEnergies.

In some cases it is possible to receive a discount on these services if you are a customer of TotalEnergies.

TotalEnergies telefoon
totalenergies telefoon

Subscribe to TotalEnergies (Free service)

Contact CallMePower to subscribe to a contract with TotalEnergies or to receive more information about their offers. (English- and Spanish-speaking advisors available)

TotalEnergies telefoon
totalenergies telefoon

Subscribe to TotalEnergies (Free service)

Let us call you back to subscribe to a contract with TotalEnergies or to receive more information about their offers. (English- and Spanish-speaking advisors available)

Contact TotalEnergies customer service

TotalEnergies has several contact options that make it very easy to contact this supplier. In the overview below you can find the most important contact details of the customer service of TotalEnergies in Belgium.

Contact Details TotalEnergies
Contact methodContact details DutchContact details French
TotalEnergies phone number📞 011 49 49 48📞 04 360 64 64
Online contact formTotalEnergies contact form (NL)TotalEnergies contact form (FR)

Address TotalEnergies Belgium

TotalEnergies' head office is located in Liège. This is also the address for all correspondence, although TotalEnergies prefers online contact via email. The TotalEnergies headquarters address is:

TotalEnergies Belgium
Rue St. Laurent 54
4000 Liège (Luik)

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